Home Improvement Painting and Maintenance Guide

Steps to LEAD SAFE renovation, repair, and painting

If you’re planning for a home improvement, you’ll need to be aware of the safety measures for lead exposure during renovation. There’s no safe level of lead exposure, but there are steps you can take to prevent exposure. One of these steps is to ensure that you use lead-safe paint. When renovating, you can easily disturb old paint and lead dust and chips. These are common sources of lead exposure. Follow these steps to keep yourself, your family, and your home safe.

You can get detailed information about lead safety from the EPA. It offers a guide on lead safety, which you can use to learn more about the hazards and precautions involved during renovation. The guide includes hands-on training and demonstrations. You should also complete an application for lead certification if you plan to renovate.

Home improvement


Home improvement painting and maintenance costs can be high, especially if you choose specialty paints or custom textures. This can cost you thousands of dollars, but there are ways to save money. For example, you can avoid paying for feature walls or expensive wallpaper removal. You can also save money by stripping old wallpaper and repairing imperfections on your walls. The final cost of these projects is usually less than you’d expect.

The cost of hiring a professional painter will vary depending on the size of the job. A painter will need several supplies such as drop cloths, painter’s tape, caulk, scrapers, a ladder, buckets, and sandpaper. The supplies for painting a single room can run between $200 and $300.

The average cost to paint an interior five-bedroom home can range from $800 to $13,000 (based on the square footage). The cost varies depending on the size of the rooms and their overall condition. Older homes may require extra work, including removing old paint or covering old stains.

Step-by-step details

Home improvement painting and maintenance projects can help to protect your home from deterioration and keep it looking beautiful. While these chores aren’t always fun, regular upkeep can save your home from a lot of trouble down the road. A neglected house can quickly turn into an embarrassing embarrassment.